musings in semi-private

This post has no tags, because I don’t think it’s going to have a real topic… except for “showing up,” which could be tagged ‘habits’ but only peripherally. Nine PM seems to be cropping up more and more often as my writing time, except that it’s a LOUSY writing-time for me. My energy’s at its […]

lay energy under your foundation

I was writing this post in my head during my acupuncture treatment. There are very large downsides to that, not the least of which is that, after a hot afternoon running errands, I’m having trouble connecting back to “there.” But with some cleansing breaths, some shoulder rolls, and a glass of ice water, maybe I […]

but i need to SEE my vision

One of the ideas-to-explore I jotted down has to do with my semi-routines. I complain that I don’t have many actual habits. Toothbrushing, for example. I make a conscious choice to brush my teeth each day. (Or don’t. But I’m not supposed to talk about that; discussing details of my sex life is more acceptable […]

well, really, what’s it look like

Today’s flipped upside-down, except for the swimming. (I did haul myself out of bed and into the pool by 7:15 a.m.) Lots of paid-work—for me—and now, in the evening, reading learning thinking and, oh, look! blogging. And I am feeling tired, more tired than I would’ve been if the day went right-side up. Tired, I […]

a time for everything, and everything in its time

I think TIME will end up a key part of my habit-forming equation. It’s certainly been fascinating me lately. I found Charlie Gilkey’s blog Productive Flourishing in May—he’s all about mindfully, intentionally deploying one’s time so that you’re doing the things that you want to do, plan to do, think are important during your . […]