In Praise of My Sister / Wisława Szymborska

My sister doesn’t write poems. and it’s unlikely that she’ll suddenly start writing poems. She takes after her mother, who didn’t write poems, and also her father, who likewise didn’t write poems. I feel safe beneath my sister’s roof: my sister’s husband would rather die than write poems. And, even though this is starting to […]

I have a worthy cure

Now that I’m flipping pages, skimming back through my penciled underscores, I see that I indeed absorbed my remedy in part while reading Acedia and Me. [quoting Evagrius] “What heals acedia is staunch persistence…. Decide upon a set amount for yourself in every work and do not turn aside from it before you complete it.” p100 Man, […]

Oda Para Planchar / Pablo Neruda

[Note: there are bonus-bonus points here if you can tell me why I would tell you such a thing.] Oda Para Planchar La poesía es blanca: sale del agua envuleta en gotas, se arruga, y se amontona, hay que extender la piel de este planeta hay que planchar el mar de su blancura y van y […]

Prayer / Marie Howe

Every day I want to speak with you. And every day something more important calls for my attention—the drugstore, the beauty products, the luggage I need to buy for the trip. Even now I can hardly sit here among the falling piles of paper and clothing, the garbage trucks outside already screeching and banging. The […]

The Windhover / Gerard Manley Hopkins

To Christ our Lord I caught this morning morning’s minion, king-     dom of daylight’s dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon, in his riding     Of the rolling level underneath him steady air, and striding High there, how he rung upon the rein of a wimpling wing In his ecstasy! then off, off forth on swing,     As […]

Lullaby / W. H. Auden

Lay your sleeping head, my love, Human on my faithless arm; Time and fevers burn away Individual beauty from Thoughtful children, and the grave Proves the child ephemeral: But in my arms till break of day Let the living creature lie, Mortal, guilty, but to me The entirely beautiful. Soul and body have no bounds: […]

Distractibility gets everyone eventually

I expect that Ms. Norris found profound reassurance in reading ancient struggles with distractibility, given that I find comfort in her comments, particularly her choice of quote: [quoting desert father (“abba”) John Climacus] “Tedium reminds those at prayer of some job to be done, and searches out any plausible excuse to drag us from prayer, […]

Holy Sonnet 19 / John Donne

Oh, to vex me, contraries meet in one: Inconstancy unnaturally hath begot A constant habit; that when I would not I change in vows, and in devotion. As humorous is my contrition As my profane love, and as soon forgot: As riddlingly distempered, cold and hot, As praying, as mute; as infinite, as none. I […]

Bearded Oaks / Robert Penn Warren

The oaks, how subtle and marine, Bearded, and all the layered light Above them swims; and thus the scene, Recessed, awaits the positive night. So, waiting, we in the grass now lie Beneath the languorous tread of light: The grassed, kelp-like, satisfy The nameless motions of the air. Upon the floor of light, and time, […]

I think you should read more poems.

Not mine, or at least not mine here. Mine when they’re in other places, please! But there are lots of poems laying around the world, and several of them I like…and so think you should decide whether you like them, too. You’re welcome to play the following parlor-games, if you’re so inclined: *identify its influence in Kimbol’s […]